It's strange to see the date of my previous update: shortly after the covid lockdown was announced. Here we are a year later, after so much uncertainty, and so much loss for so many people.
There's no shortage of reflections on the pandemic. We don't need another one here.
During this past year, I had bariatric (weight-loss) surgery. I've lost 45 pounds so far, and am still losing weight. This has resulted in many positive changes in my health. I'm getting much more exercise than I did pre-surgery, and that helps keep my energy levels good.
I had been experiencing a lot of knee and low-back pain. Weight-loss, a proper stretching regimen, and more exercise has drastically reduced this.
The weight loss has had no effect on my fibro pain, or any of my needs associated with fibromyalgia. I haven't been able to cut down on any of my medications or supplements, or to tinker with my sleep regimen at all.
This is as I expected. I've had fibromyalgia since at least 1998 (more likely the early 1990s), and had been gradually gaining weight only since around 2009. But if there was any question that there was a connection, it's been answered.
I still have not moved on EMDR. It seemed ridiculous to pursue that during the pandemic. I'm putting it on my radar for the upcoming year.